Donate to NAATCO
NAATCO is a tax exempt (501(c)3) not-for-profit organization formed in 1989. NAATCO’s mission is to assert the presence and significance of Asian American theatre in the United States, demonstrating its vital contributions to the fabric of American culture.
Your donation helps us strengthen and sustain our work in support of Asian American theatre artists, actors, playwrights, directors, designers, and technicians. It helps us to continuously innovate our programming, to always respond to the ideas and suggestions of our community.
Your tax-deductible contributions are greatly appreciated. If you work for a company that has a matching gift program for cultural institutions, your contribution to NAATCO can be doubled or tripled by including the appropriate form, available through your company, along with your contribution.
If you'd like to send a check, please mail to:
The National Asian American Theatre Company, Inc.
520 8th Avenue, Suite 309
New York, NY 10018